Behind the scenes of our mind sits a relentless and cunning (albeit well-meaning) director who’s hell-bent on keeping us “on-script.” This metaphoric “mental director” views the world through safety goggles that blur reality and keep us small (by trying to keep us safe). In this video, you’ll also be introduced to the other voice in your head; the wide-eyed dreamer and mystic who knows no limits and seeks utter freedom. When you meet these two, you’ll also see the liberating role that you play among them. This video also explores:
What “self” we’re talking about when we talk about “self-confidence,” “self-awareness,” and “self-esteem”
A paradigm-shifting metaphor between two romantic dead poets (and how they correspond to the two parts of your mind)
Why (against popular opinion) the ego is NOT the enemy
The paradox between essence and identity, and how unifying them can lead to liberation
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