What if I just want to eat snacks and watch TV?

Just kidding!

Remembering what you want is harder than it sounds. So many distractions, even in this somewhat cloistered life of mine:) I keep those paintbrushes in full view, and they call to me.

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“I keep those paintbrushes in full view…”

There it is! Calling upon memory requires discipline. Keeping what you want in your attention is key. And the one concept that is always in one’s attention is oneself.

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This does not make sense

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I agree that it’s a paradoxical point of view, but only because we’ve been conditioned to believe that we have to do things we don’t want to do, in order to do things that we do want to do. It’s misguided thinking.

If you want to play a musical instrument, you know that learning to play (practicing) is part of the process. You don’t have to be “disciplined;” it’s something you want to do.

The same is true for all activities.

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